Monday, September 7, 2015


     The cougar, also known as the Mountain Lion, Puma, or Panther, is found in western North America, a small region of Florida, and most of South America. They live in various habitats from mountains to deserts to sea-level. Cougars are closely related to house cats on a larger scale. Unlike most big cats, they cannot roar. Instead, they purr like a house cat. Cougars can run up to 43 mph, they can jump to about 20 feet from standing position, and they can leap a distance of 16 feet vertically. They generally prey on deer and small mammals.
     Cougars have long been endangered, both by sport hunters and by farmers protecting their livestock. Other threats include habitat loss and automobile accidents. Their main cause of decline is loss of habitat. As a result, the cougar population has significantly decreased.
     In recent years, sightings of cougars in the northeast United States and eastern Canada have been on the rise. Although many are the result of former captive cougars who escaped or were released, there is a possibility of recolonization of cougars in the east.

How to Help
     It is difficult to stop habitat loss or reverse its effects, but there are some ways people can help. You can help persuade your congress representatives to designate the cougar as a protected animal. This prevents the taking or injuring of cougars, unless they pose a threat. You can also suggest to your congressman advocating the preservation of open land in order to maintain a livable habitat for cougars. In addition, you can donate directly to the Mountain Lion Foundation to help increase their population so they do not become extinct.
Cougar laying down
Photographed by Superb Wallpapers

1 comment:

  1. You know what I would love? A section called "Fun Facts". You could include things like you mentioning that they can't roar.
